VENUE: Sprat bar, 8. november @ 7 p.m.
PARTICIPANTS: Divna Vuksanović (Serbia), Ana Martinoli (Serbia), Mia Biberović (Croatia), Vladimir Radinović (Serbia)
Free Zone Film Festival, with the cooperation and partnership of the Multimedia Institute Mi2 MaMa from Zagreb, is organizing a regional conference Podcast: Web Phenomenon – One Man Multiple Media as part of this year’s accompanying program.
It has been seventeen years since Ben Hammersley published the article The Sound Revolution in the Guardian in which he first used a therm podcast. From that moment until today, listening to podcasts has shown that over the years it has slowly but surely become part of the regular habits of one part of the media audience, and its popularity has grown steadily, from year to year. Over time, it became clear that the podcast created a new “audiosphere” and began to mean much more than just the way audio content was delivered.
Conference participants Podcast: web phenomenon – One Man Multiple Media will consider the dual nature of this phenomenon, the emancipatory potential of this independent audio project in which professionals and amateurs take the initiative and their participation democratize and transform the public and media sphere, while on the other hand to observe the potential consequences for a democratic society by developing a media format that does not have a “democratic censor” and is open to the voices of all, including populists, who potentially disrupt democratic values and processes.
PARTICIPANTS' biographies

Editor in Chief and Partner at Netokracija, Executive Director at Croatian Association of Digital Publishers. Once named the most influential woman in the Croatian startup community and the best Croatian ICT journalist. In love with all things digital – publishing, marketing, startups, culture. Cohost at Netokracija Podcast, where you can find her rambling about all her favorite topics.
Vice Dean and Full professor at the Faculty of Dramatic Arts in Belgrade and guest lecturer at the UNESCO MA Chair in Cultural Policy and Management, teaching media theory, media management, digital media and audience.
She is the Head of the MA Digital Transformation of Media and Culture at FDA. Author of two publications – Commercial Radio Programming Strategies and The first 15 Years of Podcasts: From Experiment to Sustainable Media Business Model. Author and co / author of several publications in the field of digital media, as well as manuals for media and information literacy for teachers, parents and business as part of several projects led by the European Commission, USAID, SHARE Foundation and the RS Ministry of Culture and Information. She has been hired as a trainer in the field of media and information literacy, currently within the New Literacy Project (Propulsion / USAID). Author and producer of the podcast series Behind Your Screen, broadcasted on the online platform RadioAparat, as well as several documentary audio content, commercial and CSR radio campaigns. From 1997 to 2015, she worked at B92 radio as a journalist, producer and program director.

Divna Vuksanovic graduated from Faculty of Drama Arts and Faculty of Philosophy, University of Belgrade. She holds the master of drama arts in the field of theatrology and doctorate of philosophical sciences in the domain of contemporary philosophy and aesthetics. She works as a full time professor at the Faculty of Drama Arts, University of Art in Belgrade, being a lecturer in aesthetics, theory of culture, and philosophy of media.
She is the president of the Aesthetic Society of Serbia and NGO “Young Peas”,Association for Arts, Culture, Media and Social issues, based in Belgrade. She is the editor of several magazine.
She has published over one hundred scientific and professional papers and thirteen books in the field of literature (poetry, poetic stories, short stories and novels for children), two radio plays, six scientific studies in the field of philosophy and edited a dozen scientific publications in the field of media theory and aesthetics.
Vladimir Radinović je suosnivač regionalne arhive i podkast zajednice podcast.rs. Ljubitelj je zvuka i radija kojima se i bavi skoro 20 godina. Hibridne umetničko-teorijske studije na polju digitalne kulture i medija pohađao je na Univerzitetu u Juvaskuli i HfK Bremen. Zadužen je za praćenje razvoja regionalnih medija zajednice pri cmfe.eu. Vladimir je i koautor Zvučne mape Beograda.