
The Oscar-winning drama is the story of two days in the life of Saul Ausländer, a Hungarian detainee who works as a member of a special team that removes the bodies of murdered detainees in one of the Auschwitz crematoria. Discovering the boy’s body when she considers her son, she tries the impossible – to save the boy’s body, find the rabbi and bury him with dignity. Although their team will be liquidated at any moment, Saul turns away from the survivors and their plans for resistance to save the remains of his son, whom he never took care of while he was alive.

Director’s biography

László Nemes is a Hungarian film director and screenwriter. His 2015 debut feature film, Son of Saul, was screened in the main competition at the 2015 Cannes Film Festival, where it won the Grand Prix. He is the first Hungarian director whose film won the Golden Globe for Best Foreign Language Film.

Festivals and awards

Oscar – Best Foreign Language Film of the Year, 2016.
Golden Globe – Best Motion Picture – Foreign Language, 2016.
BAFTA Film Award – Best Film not in the English Language 2017.


Son of Saul (fic.)
Director: László Nemes
Country: Hungary
Year: 2015.
Runtime: 107′
Language: Hungarian, German, Russian, Polish
Cast: Géza Röhrig, Levente Molnár, Urs Rechn
Production: Laokoon Filmgroup
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