The Stranger is a 1967 film by Italian film director Luchino Visconti, based on Albert Camus’s 1942 novel The Stranger, with Marcello Mastroianni. Meursault’s friend Raymond beats his girlfriend and is sued by her. In court, Mersault testifies to his friend’s advantage. Raymond is off the hook, but now his girlfriend’s male relatives stalk Meursault. He shoots one of them and ends up in prison.
Italian stage and film director Luchino Visconti (1906–1976) is considered one of the founding fathers of the Italian neorealism film movement. As his career progressed, however, he produced more lavish films that spanned a range of historical periods. More than just a neorealist director, Visconti was one of the greatest international film directors that emerged from the post–war Italian cinema.
Venice Film Festival 1947
The Stranger (fic.)
Director: Luchino Visconti
Country: Italy, France, Algeria
Runtime: 104’
Language: French, Italian
Cast: Marcello Mastroianni, Anna Karina, Bernard Blier
Production: Dino de Laurentiis Cinematografica, Master Film, Marianne Productions, Casbah Film