War pony follows the interlocking stories of two young Oglala Lakota men growing up on the Pine Ridge Reservation. At 23, Bill just wants to make something of himself. Whether it’s delivering goods or breeding Poodles, he is determined to hustle his way to the “American Dream”. Meanwhile, 12-year-old Matho can’t wait to become a man. Desperate for approval from his young father, a series of impulsive decisions turns Matho’s life upside down and he finds himself unequipped to deal with the harsh realities of the adult world. Bound by their shared search for belonging, each of the boys grapple with identity, family, and loss, as they navigate their unique paths to manhood.


Gina Gammell started out producing and directing short-format music videos and commercials. In 2017 Gina produced her first feature film, in 2018 she founded Felix Culpa with Riley Keough and in 2019 she co-wrote and directed her first feature film, War pony

Riley Keough is an actress, producer and director best known for her roles in Mad Max: Fury road (2015), American honey (2016), The house that Jack built (2018), Earthquake bird (2019) and Devil all the time (2020). She co-wrote and directed her first feature film, War pony, alongside with Gina Gammell.


Best film, Motovun Film Festival 2022
Cannes Film Festival 2022
Adelaide Film Festival 2022
Munich Film Festival 2022
Sarajevo Film Festival 2022


WAR PONY (fic.)
Gina Gammell, Riley Keough
Year: United States
Year: 2022.
Runtime: 115’
Language: engleski
Cast: Jojo Bapteise Whiting, Ladainian Crazy Thunder, Jesse Schmockel
Production: Felix Culpa, Caviar

DKC, 4. nov, 12.00