In a secluded forest, young Marko lives under the watchful eye of his overprotective and mysterious father. Their sheltered existence is all he knows. Marko seeks solace in his cherished picture book, finding comfort and answers within its pages. One day, an encounter with a kind-hearted, helpless boy named Miko, brings a glimmer of warmth and connection into Marko’s isolated world. As his curiosity grows, Marko yearns to uncover the secrets that lie beyond the confines of the wilderness. A cruel turn of events grants him his wish sooner than he expects. A grim journey awaits him, filled with unknown dangers and a glimpse into a world forever changed.
Vardan Tozija was born in 1981 in Skopje, North Macedonia. He graduated in Film and TV directing at the Faculty of Drama Arts in Skopje. He also attended law studies and political science studies at the State University of Cyril and Methodius. Vardan directed several shorts, documentary films and TV series. His debut feature film, AMOK (2016), premiered at the Chicago International Film Festival, and was selected by more than thirty film festivals throughout the world, including the A-List Festival Shanghai. AMOK has received significant critical acclaim and acquired numerous awards. M is his second feature film. He speaks English, Serbian and Croatian.
Cannes Film Festival
M (ff.)
DIRECTOR: Vardan Tozija
COUNTRY: North Macedonia, Croatia, France, Kosovo*, Luxembourg
YEAR: 2023
LANGUAGE: Macedonian, English
CAST: Matej Sivakov, Saško Kocev, Aleksandar Ničovski, Kamka Tocinovski, Bojana Gregorić Vejzović, Verica Nedeska, Vladimir Tuliev, Oliver Mitkovski, Miroslav Petković
PRODUCTION: Focus Pocus Films