This story follows Dutch peacekeeping troops who are working on keeping peace in the Middle East. After the sudden disappearance of their commander, three young soldiers are left alone to guard a military vehicle on a deserted mountain road. The situation in which they’ve found themselves and the unbearable heat of the desert are rapidly increasing their disconnection from reality. An encounter with a local 14-year-old shepherd whose goat they accidentally kill escalates into a fight that will forever mark their lives.
Shariff Korver was born in 1982 in Caracas, Venezuela. He is a director and writer, known for Fenix (2018), Infiltrant (2014) and Do Not Hesitate (2021).
Giffoni Film Festival 2021
Do Not Hesitate (fic.)
Director: Shariff Korver
Country: Netherlands, Greece
Year: 2021.
Runtime: 90’
Language: Dutch, English
Cast: Joes Brauers, Spencer Bogaert, Tobias Kersloot, Omar Alwan
Production: Lemming Film, Heretic, NTR