The film adaptation of the famous novel by Jack London shows a young poor sailor and his aspirations to become a writer in order to get closer to the rich family of his fiancée Elena. He gets involved in socialist circles, which brings him into conflict with Elena and her bourgeois world. The plot of the film is moved to Naples in the 1970s in a recognizable vision by Pietro Marcello, which synthesizes in its expression an imitation of the styles of different epochs. The role of Martin is played by the extraordinary Luca Marinelli, winner of the Volpi Cup Award for the Best Actor at the Venice Film Festival.

Director’s biography

Pietro was born in Caserta in 1976 and attended the Accademy of fine arts,  where he studied painting. In 2007 he realized the documentary Il Passaggio della Linea, presented at the Venice International Film Festival, which revealed him internationally as author. In 2009 he has directed the award-winning film La Bocca del Lupo. In 2011, he made Il Silenzio di Pelešjan, presented as a special event at the 68th Venice film Festival, it participated at many international festivals.

Festivals and awards

Special Jury Prize – Ghent Film Festival 2019
Volpi Cup Award, Best Actor – Venice Film Festival 2019
Platform Prize – Toronto International Film Festival 2019


Martin Eden (fic.)
Director: Pietro Marcello
Country: Italy, France, Germany
Year: 2019.
Runtime: 129′
Language: Italian, Neapolitan, French
Cast: Luca Marinelli, Jessica Cressy, Vincenzo Nemolato
Production: Avventurosa, IBC Movie, Rai Cinema
In Focus: Pietro Marcello

Jugoslovenska kinoteka, 7. nov, 17:30